In order to post an ad, you must create an account by registering on the site. At the very least, this requires that you enter a valid e-mail address and create a password. Be assured that your e-mail address will not be displayed on the site. Additionally, SIFF will never provide your e-mail to any other entity, period. Please read our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. If you wish to create an account, please follow the instructions below:
While browsing the ads, click on “Login and Submit Ads” in the upper left corner of the page.
The User Area page will display. Click “Register” just below the Login button. The Member Registration page will then be displayed. .
Enter your valid e-mail and password, confirm your password, enter the displayed “CaptCha” code. Please Note: Once complete, you will not be able to login until verified as a SIFF member (usually within one business day).
That’s all there is to creating an account on the site. To post an ad, login with your credentials, on the Ad Management screen, click “Create Classified Ad” and fill out the appropriate boxes, upload your photo(s), scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save”. Done! Click Here to browse ads.
If you have questions or concerns, please e-mail